  • O'Z
  • РУ
E‘lon berish
  1. Bosh sahifa
  2. Ish
  3. Transport / logistika / ombor
  4. Boshqa
  5. Boshqa - Toshkent viloyati
  6. Boshqa - Toshkent
  7. Boshqa - Mirzo-Ulug‘bek tumani
Joylashtirildi 13/05/2024

I am looking for a job as a dispatch

Ish haqi

6 000 000 - 40 000 000 сум


Toshkent, Mirzo-Ulug‘bek tumani

Ish turi

Doimiy bandlik

Bandlik turi

To‘liq stavkada bandlik

Masofadan ishlash


I have a certificate Cefr B2 but no experience.

I am 27 and I am a male worker

I need at least 500 $ salary at the begining of the job

If you are interested in this, This is my phone number:




Toshkent, Mirzo-Ulug‘bek tumani

Toshkent viloyati

Toshkent viloyati, Toshkent, Mirzo-Ulug‘bek tumani
ID: 53309705

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